Interpol Inspector Zenigata begins a world-wide hunt for the infamous thief Lupin The 3rd. But together, they face a powerful enemy and form the Lupin team in response. The Lupin team then faces the challenge of retrieving the "Crimson Heart of Cleopatra" locked away in a fort like safe. The treasure is thought to allow its owner to control the world.
Is Lupin the 3rd on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Lupin the 3rd is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Ryûhei Kitamura | Director |
Writing | Mataichirô Yamamoto | Screenplay |
Writing | Kazuhiko Kato | Novel |
Sound | Aldo Shllaku | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Pedro J. Márquez | Director of Photography |
Editing | Shuichi Kakesu | Editor |
Production | Fuyuki Kojima | Production Manager |