The Story of Panda – Taotao, directed by Shuichi Nakahara and Tatsuo Shimamura, was the first animation produced as a Chinese-Japanese joint venture. Released in December, 1981, the film is about Taotao, a small panda from Sichuan, who was captured and sold to a European zoo, where he got into adventures with his animal friends. The series includes a film in 1981 and a 52-episode series in 1983.
Is Xiongmao Monogatari TaoTao on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Xiongmao Monogatari TaoTao is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Tatsuo Matsumura | Director |
Sound | Masaru Satō | Music |
Writing | Yoji Yamada | Story |
Visual Effects | Kazuko Nakamura | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Shigeru Yamamoto | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Norio Hikone | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Miwako Hattori | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Teruo Handa | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Masao Kumagawa | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Hachio Suginome | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Toshiyuki Sakurai | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yuusaku Sakamoto | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Shûichi Nakahara | Character Designer |