Lost Heroes is the story of Canada's forgotten comic book superheroes and their legendary creators. A ninety-minute journey to recover a forgotten part of Canada's pop culture and a national treasure few have ever heard about. This is the tale of a small country striving to create its own heroes, but finding itself constantly out muscled by better-funded and better-marketed superheroes from the media empire next door.
Is Lost Heroes on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Lost Heroes is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Lost Heroes becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | Shawn Pierce | Music |
Editing | Matthew Anas | Editor |
Visual Effects | Mark Alberts | Visual Effects |
Production | Kyle Bornais | Executive Producer |
Production | Will Pascoe | Executive Producer |
Production | Tony Wosk | Producer |
Directing | Will Pascoe | Director |
Writing | Will Pascoe | Writer |
Camera | Andrew Oxley | Director of Photography |