Based on the popular Internet novel, the film takes place in a school renowned for its sexual aberrations. The student body is comprised of sexually ambiguous teenagers, and the student president and vice-present flaunt their taste for S&M. Independent study and supplementary classes are done on homosexuality and transgenderism. But amidst this environment, there are some that just can't adapt.
Is Dasepo Naughty Girls on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Dasepo Naughty Girls is not yet available on Netflix.
Visual Effects | Sung-jin Jung | Visual Effects Supervisor |
Editing | Choi Jae-geun | Editor |
Production | Jason Chae | Executive Producer |
Writing | Lee Je-Yong | Writer |
Camera | Chung Chung-hoon | Director of Photography |
Writing | Choi Jin-sung | Writer |
Visual Effects | Lee Jeon-hyoung | Visual Effects |
Directing | Lee Je-Yong | Director |
Production | Ahn Dong-gyu | Executive Producer |
Sound | Jung Jin-wook | Production Sound Mixer |
Lighting | Yu Cheol | Lighting Director |
Writing | Chae Jeong-taek | Comic Book |
Sound | Dalpalan | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Bek Hyun-jin | Original Music Composer |