Shouichi encounters a teenage girl called Sayaka, who ran away from a military facility because of an attack by the Ant Lords. Sayaka has a supernatural ability to foresee the future. Risa Fukami, of the military group GA, wants to use that power to enhance the newly-made G4 System, which was based upon designs stolen from Ozawa. Now, Agito and Gills must fight to stop the Ant Lords' attack, as G3 and G4 settle their score.
Is Kamen Rider Agito: Project G4 on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Kamen Rider Agito: Project G4 is not yet available on Netflix.
Writing | Toshiki Inoue | Writer |
Directing | Ryuta Tasaki | Director |
Production | Michio Fukuyu | Producer |
Production | Tsutomu Tomari | Producer |
Production | Hiroshi Hayakawa | Producer |
Sound | Toshihiko Sahashi | Music |
Crew | Fumio Matsumura | Cinematography |
Crew | Masao Inokuma | Cinematography |
Visual Effects | Masato Hayase | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Tsuyoshi Nonaka | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Koji Yamada | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Kazue Takeuchi | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Daisuke Kobayashi | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Yutaka Izubuchi | Creature Design |
Editing | Naoki Nagata | Editor |
Directing | Nobuhiro Suzumura | Assistant Director |
Directing | 木村繁仁 | Assistant Director |
Directing | 近藤信子 | Assistant Director |
Visual Effects | Mitsuru Oki | VFX Supervisor |
Directing | Kazuyoshi Yamada | Action Director |
Production | Shin-ichiro Shirakura | Producer |
Production | Naomi Takebe | Producer |
Production | Hideaki Tsukada | Producer |
Production | Saeko Matsuda | Producer |