The film is a series of vignettes from Taiji Tonoyama's life and film clips, interspersed with a dialogue to camera by Nobuko Otowa, addressing the camera as if she is addressing Tonoyama himself, recollecting events in his life. The film focuses on Tonoyama's alcohol dependence and his various sexual relationships, as well as his film work with Shindo.
Is By Player on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie By Player is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when By Player becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Kaneto Shindō | Writer |
Directing | Kaneto Shindō | Director |
Directing | Kaze Shindo | Assistant Director |
Directing | Yûichi Kanemaru | Assistant Director |
Crew | Tatsumi Nikamoto | Stunts |
Costume & Make-Up | Etsuko Egawa | Makeup Artist |
Art | Shigemori Shigeta | Art Direction |
Production | Noriyasu Hirakata | Associate Producer |
Sound | Hikaru Hayashi | Original Music Composer |
Editing | Yukio Watanabe | Editor |
Camera | Yoshiyuki Miyake | Director of Photography |
Lighting | Hiroshi Yamashita | Lighting Technician |
Directing | Yasuhiro Yamamoto | Assistant Director |