Nauru, an Island Adrift

Nauru, an Island Adrift (2009)

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2009-03-14
  • Runtime: 1h 31min
  • Language: Français
  • Production Company: Film Oblige
  • Production Country: France
  • Director: Juliano Ribeiro Salgado


A quiet island, lost in the pacific ocean. Nothing worth of interest, until the day a stroke of luck, phosphate, provided by the island's coral core, led the country to incredible heights: in 1975, it became the second richest country per inhabitant in the world after Saudi Arabia... Only to plunge into ruins a few years later.

Nauru, an Island Adrift Trailer

Is Nauru, an Island Adrift on Netflix?

Is Nauru, an Island Adrift on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Nauru, an Island Adrift is not yet available on Netflix.

Directing Juliano Ribeiro Salgado Director
