A magical girl, who exists outside of space and time, inhabits an odd, timeless landscape that is both old and modern, and spends her days playing and collecting objects from history, things that she loves.
Is The Curve of Forgotten Things on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie The Curve of Forgotten Things is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Curve of Forgotten Things becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Todd Cole | Director |
Costume & Make-Up | Michael Long | Hairstylist |
Camera | Matthew J. Lloyd | Director of Photography |
Costume & Make-Up | Ashley Furnival | Wardrobe Supervisor |
Costume & Make-Up | Sammy Mourabit | Makeup Artist |
Visual Effects | Tony Smoller | Visual Effects Supervisor |
Editing | Beau Leon | Colorist |
Production | Sue Yeon Ahn | Producer |
Editing | Michael Mess | Editor |
Camera | Alex Aristei | Set Photographer |
Production | Rassa Montaser | Executive Producer |
Production | Peter Klein | Production Designer |
Sound | Brent Kiser | Sound Designer |
Art | Sebastian Pardo | Main Title Designer |