The film follows Donal - a lean, fit, seemingly healthy 41 year old man – on a quest to hack his genes and drop dead healthy by avoiding the heart disease and diabetes that has afflicted his family.
Is Cereal Killers on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Cereal Killers is not yet available on Netflix.
Camera | Raja Nundlall | Director of Photography |
Directing | Yolanda Barker | Director |
Production | Tim Noakes | Associate Producer |
Visual Effects | Tara Doherty | Animation |
Production | Donal O'Neill | Producer |
Editing | Barry Smit | Editor |
Sound | John Wildgoose | Music Score Producer |
Editing | Andrea Cuadrado | Editor |
Editing | Tiny Laubscher | Editor |
Production | Parish Vaidya | Associate Producer |
Production | Dr. Peter Brukner | Associate Producer |