16 Years of Alcohol is a 2003 drama film written and directed by Richard Jobson, based on his 1987 novel. The film is Jobson's first directorial effort, following a career as a television presenter on BSkyB and VH-1, and as the vocalist for the 1970s punk rock band The Skids.
Is 16 Years of Alcohol on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie 16 Years of Alcohol is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when 16 Years of Alcohol becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Richard Jobson | Writer |
Production | Mark Burton | Producer |
Production | Richard Jobson | Producer |
Production | Wouter Barendrecht | Executive Producer |
Production | Hamish McAlpine | Executive Producer |
Production | Michael J. Werner | Executive Producer |
Camera | John Rhodes | Director of Photography |
Editing | Giannis Halkiadakis | Editor |
Directing | Richard Jobson | Director |
Sound | Keith Atack | Original Music Composer |