Hikaru, Umi and Fuu, three junior high schoolers, are magically transported to the mystical land of Cephiro, where they become Magic Knights in the service of Princess Emeraude in this fantasy-filled anime feature. Under the spell of an evil high priest, Cephiro is materializing in the same dimension as Tokyo, and now only this specially selected trio can save Cephiro, Tokyo and the world from complete destruction. This is the movie version of the previously-released 3-episode OVA, with additional footage.
Is Rayearth Special Version -Wings of Hope- on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Rayearth Special Version -Wings of Hope- is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Rayearth Special Version -Wings of Hope- becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | Toshihiko Sahashi | Music |
Directing | Keitaro Motonaga | Director |
Directing | Toshiki Hirano | Director |
Writing | Manabu Nakamura | Writer |