In this adaptation of the satirical British novel, Flora Poste, a plucky London society girl orphaned at age 19, finds a new home with some rough relatives, the Starkadders of Cold Comfort Farm. With a take-charge attitude and some encouragement from her mischievous friend, Mary, Flora changes the Starkadders' lives forever when she settles into their rustic estate, bringing the backward clan up to date and finding inspiration for her novel in the process.
Is Cold Comfort Farm on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Cold Comfort Farm is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Cold Comfort Farm becomes available on Netflix!
Editing | Mark Day | Editor |
Directing | John Schlesinger | Director |
Camera | Chris Seager | Director of Photography |
Costume & Make-Up | Amy Roberts | Costume Design |
Writing | Stella Gibbons | Novel |
Writing | Malcolm Bradbury | Screenplay |
Production | Alison Gilby | Producer |
Art | Jim Holloway | Art Direction |
Production | Antony Root | Executive Producer |
Production | Richard Broke | Executive Producer |
Art | Malcolm Thornton | Production Design |
Sound | Robert Lockhart | Original Music Composer |
Production | Joanna Gueritz | Associate Producer |
Production | Noel Davis | Casting |
Costume & Make-Up | Dan Grace | Wardrobe Master |