In search of a subject for their film, a group of directors ask passers-by about their expectations of Moroccan cinema in the streets and bars of Casablanca.
Is About Some Meaningless Events on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie About Some Meaningless Events is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Mostafa Derkaoui | Director |
Editing | Mostafa Derkaoui | Editor |
Sound | Nourredine Gounnajjar | Sound |
Sound | Włodzimierz Nahorny | Music |
Sound | Stan Wiszniewski | Sound |
Writing | Mostafa Derkaoui | Writer |
Sound | Nourredine Gounnajjar | Music |
Sound | Larbi Essakalli | Sound |
Sound | Miloud Bourbouh | Sound |
Sound | Menouar Samiri | Sound |
Camera | Abdelkrim Derkaoui | Director of Photography |
Production | Mostafa Derkaoui | Producer |