A psychological drama taking place during a day and a night in the life of a young family living in a beautiful house by the sea in the village of Sandur in the Faroe Islands. At a first glance it seems like an ordinary, happy family - mum and dad and their 11-year-old daughter - but soon we realize that something dark and sinister lies lurking behind the facade waiting to explode.
Is Ludo on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Ludo is not yet available on Netflix.
Camera | Natascha Rydvald | Director of Photography |
Sound | Jón McBirnie | Sound Editor |
Art | Edward Fuglø | Art Direction |
Editing | Katrin Ottarsdóttir | Editor |
Sound | Sune Kølster | Original Music Composer |
Art | Edward Fuglø | Production Design |
Production | Hugin Eide | Producer |
Art | Edward Fuglø | Set Decoration |
Directing | Katrin Ottarsdóttir | Director |
Writing | Katrin Ottarsdóttir | Screenplay |
Writing | Katrin Ottarsdóttir | Writer |