In 1997, Hirano Katsuyuki, a married, middle-aged AV director, and his 26-year-old actress and lover, Hayashi Yumika, set out to cycle from Tokyo to Hokkaido. Two video versions of their trip already exist, the intimate documentary Yumika and its gonzo porno alter ego 41-Day Adultery Bicycle Tour. Hirano’s Kantoku Shikkaku reframes this ambiguous relationship in light of Yumika’s death in 2005.
Is Director Disqualified on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Director Disqualified is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Katsuyuki Hirano | Director |
Crew | Katsuyuki Hirano | Cinematography |
Production | Hideaki Anno | Producer |
Sound | Akiko Yano | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Akiko Yano | Music Supervisor |