A young Cheyenne warrior, who goes by the name Grayeagle, kidnaps the daughter of a grizzled frontier man John Colter who goes on an epic search for his daughter Beth, aided by a friendly native...
Is Grayeagle on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Grayeagle is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Grayeagle becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Charles B. Pierce | Director |
Writing | Charles B. Pierce | Writer |
Production | Charles B. Pierce | Producer |
Camera | Joe Catalanotto | Key Grip |
Writing | Brad White | Story |
Writing | Michael O. Sajbel | Story |
Sound | Jaime Mendoza-Nava | Music |
Camera | James W. Roberson | Director of Photography |
Editing | James W. Roberson | Editor |
Art | John Ball | Art Direction |
Costume & Make-Up | David S. Powell | Costume Design |
Crew | Joe Catalanotto | Special Effects |
Sound | Stephen Hunter Flick | Sound Effects Editor |