A documentary profiling a Japanese taiko drumming group based in the remote Sado Island, Japan. The film blurs the line between real-life documentary footage of the troupe's training and practice regimes, and staged performances of their varied musical acts, with sets designed by artist Tadanori Yokoo and an additional experimental electronic music score by Toshi Ichiyanagi.
Is The Ondekoza on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie The Ondekoza is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Ondekoza becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | Hideo Nishizaki | Sound Director |
Camera | Tsutomu Ishihara | Still Photographer |
Directing | Shigeo Nakakura | Assistant Director |
Art | Tadanori Yokoo | Art Direction |
Art | Chiyoo Umeda | Art Direction |
Production | Tagayasu Den | Producer |
Lighting | Masahiro Noda | Lighting Manager |
Directing | Tai Katō | Director |
Camera | Keiji Maruyama | Director of Photography |
Sound | Toshi Ichiyanagi | Music |
Editing | Riichi Fuke | Editor |
Writing | Shigeo Nakakura | Scenario Writer |