The film is based on the real life murder mystery of Sheena Bora. Bollywood actress Mahima Chaudhry makes her debut in Bengali film as Ishani Banerjee, a character based on Sheena's mother and alleged murderer Indrani Mukherjea. Riya Sen will play the part of Rina Bardhan, inspired by Sheena Bora. Media baron Peter Mukherjea, Sheena's stepfather, will be portrayed by Sudeep Mukherjee.
Is Dark Chocolate on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Dark Chocolate is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Dark Chocolate becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Agnidev Chatterjee | Writer |
Directing | Agnidev Chatterjee | Director |
Writing | Agnidev Chatterjee | Screenplay |
Crew | Agnidev Chatterjee | Cinematography |
Editing | Santanu Mukherjee | Editor |
Art | Sudip Bhattacharya | Art Direction |
Production | Jayanta Kar | Production Manager |
Sound | Uttam Naskar | Foley |
Sound | Anirban Sengupta | Sound Designer |
Production | Pradip Churiwal | Producer |