Young Bill Emory is a typical mischievous, rambunctious boy, but his father William is a strict disciplinarian, and Bill is constantly being punished for simple childhood transgressions. Finally Bill can take no more of his father's excessive punishments and runs away. Complications ensue.
Is Father's Son on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Father's Son is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Father's Son becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Hope Loring | Scenario Writer |
Crew | Arthur C. Miller | Cinematography |
Writing | Booth Tarkington | Novel |
Sound | Cecil Copping | Music |
Costume & Make-Up | Edward Stevenson | Costume Design |
Directing | William Beaudine | Director |
Sound | David Mendoza | Music |
Production | Robert North | Producer |
Sound | Leon Rosebrook | Music |
Directing | Al Alleborn | Assistant Director |
Writing | Hope Loring | Screenplay |