We're Going on a Bear Hunt follows the intrepid adventures of siblings Stan, Katie, Rosie, Max, the baby and Rufus the dog, who decide one day to go on an adventure in search of bears. Coming up against a host of obstacles the family ventures through whirling snowstorms, thick oozing mud and dark forests on their ambitious quest. But when Rosie and Rufus become detached from the rest of the party it looks like bear-hunting might not be such fun after all...
Is We're Going on a Bear Hunt on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie We're Going on a Bear Hunt is not yet available on Netflix.
Writing | Joanna Harrison | Screenplay |
Directing | Joanna Harrison | Director |
Directing | Robin Shaw | Director |
Production | Camilla Deakin | Producer |
Production | Ruth Fielding | Producer |
Production | Norton Herrick | Executive Producer |
Production | Helen McAleer | Executive Producer |
Production | Julia Posen | Executive Producer |
Sound | Stuart Hancock | Music |
Art | Martin Oliver | Art Direction |
Writing | Aaron Lampert | Storyboard |
Directing | Mamiko Okada | Layout |
Sound | James O'Brien | Sound Effects Editor |
Visual Effects | Slaven Reese | Animation |
Visual Effects | Alexandra Balan | Animation |
Editing | Paul Koren | Digital Intermediate |
Sound | James Collins | Music Editor |
Sound | Gary Welch | Music Supervisor |
Visual Effects | Peter Dodd | Animation |
Camera | Richard Fawdry | Head of Layout |
Writing | Michael Rosen | Writer |