This short documentary follows Frank Ladouceur, a man who lives alone for months at a time, trapping muskrat in the vast, desolate wilderness of northern Alberta. He receives no visitors, and rarely voyages to his family home in Fort Chipewyan. What some may consider an unthinkably lonely, isolated existence is the calling of this fiercely independent Métis man. Remarkably determined and self-sufficient, Frank makes his home in the wild bush.
Is Man Who Chooses the Bush on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Man Who Chooses the Bush is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Man Who Chooses the Bush becomes available on Netflix!
Camera | Tony Westman | Director of Photography |
Sound | Pete Ladouceur | Music |
Sound | Richard Patton | Sound |
Sound | Frank Ladouceur | Music |
Sound | Modeste Ladouceur | Music |
Sound | Barry P. Jones | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Sound | Stuart Copely | Sound Editor |
Editing | Shelah Reljic | Editor |
Directing | Tom Radford | Director |
Production | Peter Jones | Producer |