In a lush and lively forest lives a hedgehog. He is at once admired, respected and envied by the other animals. However, Hedgehog’s unwavering devotion to his home annoys and mystifies a quartet of insatiable beasts: a cunning fox, an angry wolf, a gluttonous bear and a muddy boar. Together, the haughty brutes march off towards Hedgehog’s home to see just what is so precious about this “castle, shiny and huge.” What they find amazes them and sparks a tense and prickly standoff.
Is Hedgehog's Home on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Hedgehog's Home is not yet available on Netflix.
Editing | Iva Kraljević | Editor |
Directing | Eva Cvijanović | Director |
Writing | Branko Copic | Book |
Sound | Darko Rundek | Music |
Writing | Eva Cvijanović | Writer |
Art | Eva Cvijanović | Special Props |
Art | Ivana Bošnjak Volda | Props |
Art | Thomas Johnson | Props |
Art | Ivana Bošnjak Volda | Set Designer |
Art | Thomas Johnson | Set Designer |
Art | Kata Gugić | Set Designer |
Art | Marko Meštrović | Set Designer |
Art | Dina Karadžić | Set Designer |
Art | Kata Gugić | Props |
Art | Marko Meštrović | Props |
Art | Dina Karadžić | Props |
Directing | Miroslav Simeg | Assistant Director |
Camera | Ivan Slipčević | Director of Photography |
Visual Effects | Élise Simard | Effects Supervisor |
Crew | Élise Simard | Compositor |
Production | Michael Fukushima | Executive Producer |
Production | Jelena Popović | Producer |
Production | Vanja Andrijević | Producer |
Art | Mélanie Bouchard | Title Designer |
Production | Stéphanie Lalonde | Production Coordinator |
Production | Dominique Forget | Production Coordinator |
Production | Victoire-Émilie Bessette | Administration |
Production | Rosalina Di Sario | Administration |
Sound | Serge Boivin | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Sound | Sven Buic | Musician |
Sound | Dario Golcic | Musician |
Sound | Darko Rundek | Musician |
Crew | Amela Marin | Translator |
Sound | Geoffrey Mitchell | Sound Recordist |
Sound | Thomas Garant | Assistant Foley Artist |
Sound | Lise Wedlock | Foley |
Sound | Olivier Calvert | Sound Designer |
Editing | Denis Pilon | Online Editor |
Crew | Steve Hallé | Technical Supervisor |
Crew | Candice Desormeaux | Technical Supervisor |
Crew | Randall Finnerty | Technical Supervisor |
Crew | Éloi Champagne | Technical Advisor |