In a marvelously animated version of one of the most beloved of all Dr. Seuss tales, two youngsters find themselves at home with nothing to do on a rainy afternoon. But when the magical, mischievous Cat in the Hat arrives on the scene, they're all cat-apulted into a day of rousing, romping, outlandish antics they - and you - will never forget!
Is The Cat in the Hat on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie The Cat in the Hat is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Cat in the Hat becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Dr. Seuss | Writer |
Directing | Hawley Pratt | Director |
Production | Dr. Seuss | Producer |
Visual Effects | Manny Gould | Animation |
Sound | Dean Elliott | Music |
Production | David H. DePatie | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | Manuel Perez | Animation |
Production | Chuck Jones | Producer |
Art | Maurice Noble | Production Design |
Production | Friz Freleng | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | George Nicholas | Animation |
Visual Effects | Hal Ambro | Animation |
Visual Effects | Warren Batchelder | Animation |
Visual Effects | Phil Roman | Animation |
Writing | Dr. Seuss | Book |