Mia, an ex-prostitute, is trapped in a loveless marriage with the abusive Quan (Sunny Pang, who also stars in Headshot in this year’s Festival lineup), a butcher who runs a roast meat shop. When she meets sensitive funeral director Wu, their passion for one another escalates into an affair. But the path to true love is fraught with jealousy, forcing someone to make a deadly move.
Is Siew Lup on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Siew Lup is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Siew Lup becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Sam Loh | Director |
Sound | Christine Sham | Music |
Crew | Woon Seong Chow | Cinematography |
Editing | Hui Cheng Tay | Editor |
Writing | Sam Loh | Writer |