The first film ever distributed by the NFB, The Case of Charlie Gordon focuses on an unemployed young Canadian who has never held a job. In the late '30s, there were many in Charlie's position. Determined to change this, a committee was formed to team up local employers with these young men. Through their efforts, and with the help of the Federal Government, people were trained and employed. As a result, their hopeless attitudes were transformed into a readiness to learn and be useful members of society.
Is The Case of Charlie Gordon on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie The Case of Charlie Gordon is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Case of Charlie Gordon becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | George Thurling | Sound |
Directing | Stuart Legg | Director |
Crew | John M. Alexander | Cinematography |
Sound | Jack Ryan | Sound |
Crew | Ernest Wilson | Cinematography |
Production | Frank Badgley | Producer |