A suburban town is faced with a series of bizarre incidents in which children disappear and three days later an adult in their life dies. A mysterious "child whisperer" phantom appears before journalist Shunya, who is investigating the incidents, and his girlfriend Naomi.
Is Innocent Curse on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Innocent Curse is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Innocent Curse becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Takashi Shimizu | Director |
Production | Takuya Kitazawa | Production Assistant |
Writing | Brazily Anne Yamada | Screenplay |
Writing | Takashi Shimizu | Screenplay |
Sound | Yuri Habuka | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Mitsuaki Fujimoto | Director of Photography |
Editing | Hiroki Nishigata | Editor |
Directing | Naoyoshi Kawamatsu | Assistant Director |
Art | Nori Fukuda | Art Direction |
Lighting | Hitoshi Egawa | Lighting Technician |
Sound | Kazuhiro Kurihara | Sound Recordist |
Sound | Kenji Shibasaki | Sound Effects |
Sound | Mami Takaishi | Music Producer |