High school student Tomoyuki (Hoshi Ishida), his father (Kazuhiro Sano), and Yuki (Miwako Wagatsuma), a girl that Tomyuki likes, gather together as a family and performs road shows out of their truck. A sense of loss, farewells, and relations are all brought out.
Is Shing Shing Shing on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Shing Shing Shing is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Shing Shing Shing becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Kôhei Sanada | Director |
Writing | Kôhei Sanada | Writer |
Camera | Saori Nishi | Director of Photography |
Art | Sayoko Arima | Art Direction |
Sound | Keisuke Miyasaki | Sound Mixer |
Sound | Yusuke Shimamatsu | Music |
Editing | Yayoi Katayose | Editor |
Production | Ayumi Yamada | Producer |