Arriba quemando el sol

Arriba quemando el sol (2014)

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2014-09-18
  • Runtime: 1h 15min
  • Language: Español
  • Production Company: MAS RUIDO
  • Production Country: Argentina
  • Directors: Luisina Anderson, Roberto Bernasconi.


Juana, a young woman in her twenties sets out on a backpacking trip to the northwest of Argentina. Her aim is to find some places and people that appear in a series of photographs that she carries with her. As the adventure goes by, Juana finds out that the deepest meaning of the trip was but the simple fact that she has travelled through the experience itself.

Arriba quemando el sol Trailer

Is Arriba quemando el sol on Netflix?

Is Arriba quemando el sol on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Arriba quemando el sol is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Arriba quemando el sol becomes available on Netflix!

  • Juana Solassi

    as Juana
  • Roberto Bernasconi

    as Roberto
Directing Luisina Anderson Director
Directing Roberto Bernasconi Director
Camera Alejandro Magneres Director of Photography
Sound Ramiro Díaz Agüero Sound Director
Editing Pablo Rabe Editor
Production Juliana Schwindt Producer
Camera Franco Palazzo Director of Photography
Writing Roberto Bernasconi Writer
Writing Franco Palazzo Writer
Writing Luisina Anderson Writer
