The movie depicts the life of a tribal youth named Prakasan who lives with his mother and sister in Chamakundy, Kerala. He dreams of having a job in a city, which comes true. Prakasan's designated job is a health care worker which includes locating prostitutes to distribute condoms and spread awareness. He finds it hard to wrap his head around this in a fast-paced life.
Is Prakasan on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Prakasan is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Prakasan becomes available on Netflix!
Camera | Pappinu | Director of Photography |
Sound | Bijibal | Original Music Composer |
Editing | Manoj | Editor |
Directing | Bash Mohammed | Director |
Editing | Reza Serkanian | Editor |
Writing | Rajeev Nair | Writer |
Production | Dinesh Prabhakar | Casting |