The documentary tells the story of the Berlin luxury hotel, which was built by the director's great-grandfather and fell victim to a fire shortly after the end of the Second World War.
Is In der glanzvollen Welt des Hotel Adlon on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie In der glanzvollen Welt des Hotel Adlon is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when In der glanzvollen Welt des Hotel Adlon becomes available on Netflix!
Production | Eleonore Adlon | Producer |
Production | Benigna von Keyserlingk | Researcher |
Camera | Judy Irola | Camera Operator |
Editing | Ila von Hasperg | Editor |
Art | Anina Diener | Art Direction |
Art | Nanci Roberts | Art Direction |
Sound | Alex Wurman | Music |
Costume & Make-Up | Maria Schicker | Costume Design |
Costume & Make-Up | Ingrid Bendzuk | Makeup & Hair |
Costume & Make-Up | Shoukoufeh Azari | Makeup & Hair |
Sound | Andreas Mücke-Niesytka | Sound |
Sound | Jan Bennert | Sound Mixer |
Sound | Rudi Preusser | Sound Editor |
Directing | Percy Adlon | Director |