Big Bird and his Sesame Street friends are mysteriously expelled from their neighborhood, finding themselves in Manhattan. They team up with a plucky history show host Sally Hawthorne who’s on a quest to save her show and prove that Sesame Street actually exists, with obstacles created by the “evil” Mayor, with reasons of his own for keeping Sesame Street hidden from the world.
Is Sesame Street on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Sesame Street is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Sesame Street becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | Bo Burnham | Original Music Composer |
Production | Shawn Levy | Producer |
Directing | Jonathan Krisel | Director |
Writing | Chris Galletta | Writer |
Production | Michael Aguilar | Producer |
Writing | David Guion | Writer |
Writing | Michael Handelman | Writer |
Production | Guymon Casady | Producer |
Costume & Make-Up | Jessica Andrews | Costume Design |
Production | Michael Tadross | Executive Producer |
Camera | Myke Diesel | Director of Photography |
Writing | Mike Rosolio | Screenplay |
Production | Mark Gordon | Executive Producer |
Production | Alex DiGerlando | Production Designer |