An eight-minute Russian animation directed by Andrey Svislotskiy of Pilot Animation Studio LOOSELY based on the novel Poliphilo's Strife of Love in a Dream or The Dream of Poliphilus.
Is Hypnerotomahia on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Hypnerotomahia is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Hypnerotomahia becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Andrey Kolpin | Screenplay |
Writing | Andrei Svislotski | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Andrey Kolpin | Animation |
Visual Effects | Andrei Svislotski | Animation |
Visual Effects | Anna Limorenko | Animation |
Sound | Sergei Kel | Sound |
Production | Aleksandr Tatarskiy | Producer |
Production | Anatoly Prokhorov | Producer |
Sound | Michail Chekalin | Music |
Art | E. Sheshenin | Graphic Designer |
Camera | Oleg Kuzovkov | Director of Photography |
Editing | Lyudmila Kopteva | Editor |
Sound | Vladimir Tarasov | Sound |
Art | M. Myshkovskaya | Art Department Assistant |
Art | Irina Volkova | Art Department Assistant |
Art | I. Apollonov | Art Department Assistant |
Art | Sergey Merinov | Art Department Assistant |
Art | Mykhailo Levchenko | Art Department Assistant |
Writing | Anatoly Prokhorov | Script Editor |
Production | Igor Gelashvili | Producer |
Directing | Andrei Svislotski | Director |