A young, talented art student and an illustrator who recognizes his talent. While the two of them are living together, a beautiful male nude model appears, and everything falls apart...
Is Drawing of Lust on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Drawing of Lust is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Drawing of Lust becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Hiroki Nakane | Screenplay |
Crew | Satoshi Shimomoto | Cinematography |
Editing | Shōji Sakai | Editor |
Production | Shinji Komada | Producer |
Lighting | Shinichi Hayashi | Lighting Technician |
Sound | Hanjiro Nakamura | Sound |
Directing | Hiromi Hirose | Assistant Director |
Crew | Hiroshi Katayama | Cinematography |
Lighting | Taichi Oki | Lighting Technician |
Directing | Kô Kajino | Assistant Director |
Directing | Takaaki Hashiguchi | Director |