Asela, a young teacher comes to the Hatagala Elementary School situated in a remote rural village. In a short period of time, he is able to create a new educational awakening in the school with attractive, teaching methods.
Is Thaala on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Thaala is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Thaala becomes available on Netflix!
Editing | Asanka Wickramasiri | Assistant Editor |
Directing | Asanka Wickramasiri | Second Assistant Director |
Crew | Chinthaka Somakeerthi | Cinematography |
Directing | Nalinda Premarathna | Assistant Director |
Writing | Palitha Perera | Writer |
Writing | Nadee Kammellaweera | Writer |
Sound | Chinthaka Jayakody | Music |
Editing | Tissa Surendra | Editor |
Production | Nilan Weerasinghe | Producer |
Production | Manjula Perera | Production Manager |
Costume & Make-Up | Harsha Manjula Srilal | Makeup Artist |
Production | Channa Deshapriya | Line Producer |
Directing | Palitha Perera | Director |
Sound | Athula Jayasinghe | Sound |
Production | Prasanna Kumara Kithalagama | Line Producer |