A revenge drama, which revolves around two families based out of London. One family which plans an elaborate countryside wedding and the other is a violent criminal family of moneylenders. Amidst a week-long function, both these worlds collide. A past secret sparks an incident of violence - in turn changing all their lives drastically.
Is Taish on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Taish is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Bejoy Nambiar | Director |
Production | Nishant Pitti | Producer |
Production | Bejoy Nambiar | Producer |
Writing | Gunjit Chopra | Writer |
Writing | Kartik R Iyer | Writer |
Writing | Anjali Nair | Writer |
Writing | Bejoy Nambiar | Story |
Crew | Harshvir Oberai | Cinematography |
Production | Karan Mally | Casting |
Production | Nandini Shrikent | Casting |
Production | Deepak Mukut | Producer |
Sound | Raghav Sachar | Music |
Sound | Prashant Pillai | Music |
Writing | Hussain Haidry | Lyricist |
Writing | Rohit Sharma | Lyricist |
Editing | Priyank Prem Kumar | Editor |
Sound | Gaurav Godkhindi | Music |
Sound | Govindh Vasantha | Music |
Directing | Ian van Temperley | Action Director |
Art | Mandar Nagaonkar | Production Design |
Sound | Sushant Amin | Sound Designer |