The story revolves around a grandfather who stole a rare masterpiece belonging to the late singer (Umm Kulthum) in his youth, but after years passes, he finds himself chased by those who want to have this piece, which makes him resort to the help of his only grandson.
Is Scarecrow on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Scarecrow is not yet available on Netflix.
Production | Walid Sabri | Producer |
Sound | Khaled Dagher | Music |
Writing | Abdul Rahim Kamal | Writer |
Directing | Khaled Marei | Director |
Visual Effects | Ahmed Gobba | VFX Supervisor |
Costume & Make-Up | Mai Galal | Costume Designer |
Camera | Ahmed Yousef | Director of Photography |
Art | Bassel Hossam | Art Direction |
Editing | Khaled Selim | Editor |