Carta al Interior de una botella

Carta al Interior de una botella (2019)

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2019-10-09
  • Runtime: 0h 7min
  • Production Country: Chile
  • Director: Renato Pérez


The meeting point between two comunication media: A letter written in 1929 -hidden inside the adobe walls of an old country house - and the shooting of the coutryside along the highway that connects two Chilean cities un 2018.

Carta al Interior de una botella Trailer

Is Carta al Interior de una botella on Netflix?

Is Carta al Interior de una botella on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Carta al Interior de una botella is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Carta al Interior de una botella becomes available on Netflix!

Directing Renato Pérez Director
