Adapted from the series aired in 2001. Looking for inspiration during the holidays, Nando sees Anita as the ideal character for his novel. She lives in a townhouse where a passionate crime happened in the past. Intense, Anita seduces Nando and awakens to
Is Luz, Câmera, 50 Anos: Presença de Anita - O Filme on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Luz, Câmera, 50 Anos: Presença de Anita - O Filme is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Luz, Câmera, 50 Anos: Presença de Anita - O Filme becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Manoel Carlos | Writer |
Directing | Alexandre Avancini | Director |
Directing | Edgard Miranda | Director |
Directing | Ricardo Waddington | Director |
Production | Ruy Mattos | Production Executive |
Crew | Manoel Carlos | Creator |
Writing | Mário Donato | Novel |