The quirky and heart-warming story of Jess, who goes on the greatest first date of her life, but inadvertently ‘ghosts’ Ben when she tragically dies in a car accident on the way home. Stuck on Earth, with no idea how to ascend, Jess will need the help of her best friend Kara, the only person who can still see and hear her.
Is Ghosting: The Spirit of Christmas on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Ghosting: The Spirit of Christmas is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Ghosting: The Spirit of Christmas becomes available on Netflix!
Production | Lisa Kudrow | Executive Producer |
Production | Tony Phelan | Executive Producer |
Production | Dan Bucatinsky | Executive Producer |
Writing | Laura Donney | Screenplay |
Production | Joan Rater | Executive Producer |
Directing | Theresa Bennett | Director |