"Les Démons" tells a rather familiar story of a young French man named Franc, who finds an ancient relic in a box hidden away in a cellar. It is soon learned that anyone who touches this relic will become possessed by a demonic entity, and Franc spends the film attempting to fight off this deadly deity.
Is The Demons Beneath on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie The Demons Beneath is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Demons Beneath becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | Thierry Malnati | Music |
Editing | Yoann Malnati | Editor |
Writing | Yoann Malnati | Writer |
Lighting | Aurelien Hoffman | Lighting Technician |
Sound | Nothing to Prove | Music |
Camera | Jean-Philippe Putaud | Camera Operator |
Crew | Yoann Malnati | Title Graphics |
Crew | Yoann Malnati | Makeup Effects |
Camera | Aurelien Hoffman | Assistant Camera |
Directing | Yoann Malnati | Director |
Crew | Jean-Philippe Putaud | Makeup Effects |
Camera | Julien Domanski | Camera Operator |
Lighting | Arnaud Malnati | Lighting Technician |