Animation film celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Senba Center Building. Based on the manga "A manga in the Semba Center Building" by You Machida. One day, manga artist YOU Machida received a request to draw the Semba Center Building, which was celebrating its 50th anniversary. This is the story of a quiet dialogue between a manga artist who has suffered from depression in the past and the Senba Center Building, a generous old commercial facility that has lived for 50 years in the middle of Osaka, over a four-day period.
Is Pretending to forget on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Pretending to forget is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Pretending to forget becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Ryo Okawara | Director |
Visual Effects | Ryo Okawara | Animation |
Writing | You Machida | Writer |
Sound | Satoshi Murai | Music |
Crew | Ryuji Hamada | Other |
Art | Haruna Matsushima | Art Direction |
Sound | Takaaki Kawai | Sound |
Visual Effects | Akima Hirose | Animation Manager |
Visual Effects | Kurahashi Ippei | Animation |
Visual Effects | Moemi Suzuki | Animation |
Visual Effects | Akifumi Nonaka | Animation |
Visual Effects | Kanae Miya | Animation |
Visual Effects | Shin Hashimoto | Animation |
Sound | Komuai | Songs |