This short documentary captures life in Filippa di Mesoraca, a little village in Calabria in southern Italy. Inspired by the migration of young people to the cities of the north, "Grigio. Terra bruciata" ("Burnt. Land of Fire") tells about what's left in the village and how the older people live the last years of their life. Just like elderly faces ravaged by time, the walls of the unfinished houses decay slowly, returning to nature. This film is about a place that transformed alongside the people who live there.
Is Burnt. Land of Fire on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Burnt. Land of Fire is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Burnt. Land of Fire becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Ben Donateo | Director |
Camera | Ben Donateo | Director of Photography |
Production | Ben Donateo | Producer |
Writing | Ben Donateo | Writer |
Sound | Ben Donateo | Sound |
Sound | Ben Donateo | Sound Designer |
Editing | Ben Donateo | Editor |
Production | Enea Zucchetti | Co-Producer |
Editing | Tommaso Donati | Editor |
Production | Jenny Covelli | Producer |
Production | Jenny Covelli | Executive Producer |