Yuka Shibuya, a struggling actress, and Hatsue, a widowed chestnut farmer, meet a mysterious, bloodied man in the farm. The three end up living together during chestnut season and form a special bond while a miracle slowly unfolds.
Is Miracle in Kasama on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Miracle in Kasama is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Miracle in Kasama becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | Yutaka Sao | Music Arranger |
Editing | Tarô Miyaoka | Editor |
Sound | Katsuichiro Ohta | Music Arranger |
Art | Hiroko Sato | Graphic Designer |
Writing | Yoshiyuki Morita | Writer |
Production | Manabu Fujii | Producer |
Crew | Yuzuru Haruki | Cinematography |
Directing | Hisashi Ueda | Director |
Production | Hayato Mitsuishi | Producer |
Production | Yuko Nishio | Executive Producer |