Making-of about the recording and release of the album Tudo Ao Mesmo Tempo Agora (1991), with the brazilian rock group Titãs.
Is Tudo Ao Mesmo Tempo Agora on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Tudo Ao Mesmo Tempo Agora is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Tudo Ao Mesmo Tempo Agora becomes available on Netflix!
Camera | José Roberto Eliezer | Director of Photography |
Camera | Pedro Farkas | Director of Photography |
Writing | Cláudio Torres | Writer |
Crew | Mustapha Barat | Cinematography |
Editing | Johnny Jardim | Editor |
Directing | Izabel Jaguaribe | Assistant Director |
Sound | Flávio Nunes | Sound |
Directing | Arthur Fontes | Director |
Production | Cláudio Torres | Production Executive |
Directing | Lula Buarque de Hollanda | Director |
Production | Arthur Fontes | Production Executive |
Crew | Marcelo Durst | Cinematography |