Produced by PBS in 1992, this documentary explores the darker side of boxing. It follows the career of a young Shannon Briggs and includes interviews with Evander Holyfield, Larry Holmes, Teddy Atlas, Dan Duva, Kathy Duva, Lou Duva, Bobby Czyz, Bob Arum, Mike Marley and even Muhammad Ali.
Is Naked Sport: Welcome to the Sewer on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Naked Sport: Welcome to the Sewer is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Naked Sport: Welcome to the Sewer becomes available on Netflix!
Camera | Richard Numeroff | Camera Operator |
Lighting | Scott Herring | Gaffer |
Editing | Peter Minns | Editor |
Sound | Bob Briscoe | Sound |
Sound | Paul Harris | Sound Mixer |
Crew | Klaudija Cermak | Title Graphics |
Production | Jay Stuart | Associate Producer |
Production | Anna Hall | Production Assistant |
Production | Andy Patterson | Executive Producer |
Production | Linda Porto | Researcher |
Production | Vanessa Phillips | Production Manager |
Sound | Peter Baldock | Sound Editor |
Sound | Alan Barker | Sound |
Editing | Colin Napthine | Editor |
Sound | Barrington Pheloung | Music |
Production | Nicolas Kent | Producer |
Directing | Anand Tucker | Director |