Bus Stories follows filmmaker Simeon Costello as he travels from John O'Groats in Scotland to Land's End in Cornwall using only local buses investigating why public transport is crucial to the UK.
Is Bus Stories on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Bus Stories is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Bus Stories becomes available on Netflix!
Crew | Scott Stevens | Cinematography |
Editing | Molly Kemp | Editor |
Production | Arabella Derhalli | Researcher |
Production | Alix Taylor | Executive Producer |
Directing | Simeon Costello | Director |
Production | Claire Horrocks | Executive Producer |
Editing | Scott Stevens | Editor |
Production | Harrison Willmott | Researcher |
Production | Simeon Costello | Producer |
Sound | Freddy Mercer | Music |
Crew | Jack Ashelford | Second Unit Cinematographer |
Production | Lucy Kate Piper | Researcher |
Production | Freya Campbell | Researcher |
Production | Elizabeth Jordan Moulds | Researcher |
Production | Jonas Hawkins | Executive Producer |