A video is found, but the sender is unknown and the footage is unknown. What exactly is on this video? Does it show the mysteries of this world or does it combine the real-life horror that seems to be the reality.
Is Paranoia Tapes 5: Rewind on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Paranoia Tapes 5: Rewind is not yet available on Netflix.
Crew | Charles Chudabala | Cinematography |
Crew | Miguel Rodriguez | Cinematography |
Production | Rod Vizcaina | Producer |
Production | Mark Schaefer | Associate Producer |
Writing | Jack Saint Hunter | Writer |
Production | Jennifer Nangle | Producer |
Production | Thomas Haley | Producer |
Crew | Lara Jean | Cinematography |
Editing | Jennifer Nangle | Editor |
Crew | Michael O'Neal | Cinematography |
Writing | Jennifer Nangle | Writer |
Writing | Matt Rodarte | Writer |
Crew | Jennifer Nangle | Cinematography |
Production | Charles Chudabala | Producer |
Directing | Steven Daemers | Director |
Directing | James Craigmiles | Director |
Directing | Christopher Ambriz | Director |
Directing | Thomas Haley | Director |
Directing | Jennifer Nangle | Director |
Directing | Jack Saint Hunter | Director |