After an unlikely casting onto a reality television show, 47-year old suburban telemarketer Ed Popil leaves his job to pursue a full-time entertainment industry career as his drag queen alter ego, 1960’s era housewife Mrs. Kasha Davis.
Is Workhorse Queen on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Workhorse Queen is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Workhorse Queen becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Angela Washko | Writer |
Production | Molly Huey | Production Assistant |
Crew | Mrs. Kasha Davis | Thanks |
Crew | Suzie Sliver | Thanks |
Crew | Angela Washko | Cinematography |
Camera | Kevin Ramser | Camera Operator |
Sound | Joey Santillo | Assistant Sound Editor |
Crew | Aggy Dune | Thanks |
Crew | Duke Epolito | Thanks |
Sound | Lucas Sanoff | Dialogue Editor |
Camera | Scott Andrew | Camera Operator |
Crew | Steven Levins | Thanks |
Crew | David Rambo | Thanks |
Sound | Eli Cohn | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Editing | Frederick Trevino | Colorist |
Production | Anna Azizzy | Production Assistant |
Crew | Danny Hoskins | Thanks |
Editing | Sonia Gonzalez-Martinez | Additional Editing |
Production | Samuel Horgan | Production Assistant |
Crew | Thomas Hughes | Thanks |
Production | Darrius Fletcher | Production Assistant |
Production | Scott Motisko | Publicist |
Crew | Jesse Stiles | Thanks |
Crew | Bryan Glick | Thanks |
Crew | Steve Holmgren | Legal Services |
Production | Nana Cheon | Production Assistant |
Production | Bryan Glick | Other |
Crew | Darienne Lake | Thanks |
Crew | Scott Andrew | Thanks |
Crew | Michael Gamilla | Thanks |
Directing | Angela Washko | Director |
Sound | Jesse Stiles | Music |
Editing | Sunita Prasad | Supervising Editor |
Editing | Jota Mun | Editor |