Too hot! The spawning fish do not come at the right time and the pepper plants end up dying in this heat. "This is a very different weather that not even the spirits can understand." From their gardens, homes, and backyards, the indigenous women of the Amazon involve us in their vast universe of knowledge while they observe the impacts of climate change in their ways of life.
Is Heat on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Heat is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Mari Corrêa | Director |
Sound | Rafael Gobbo Nicolau | Music |
Production | Patrícia Zuppi | Producer |
Production | Luís Donisete | Producer |
Production | Benzi Grupioni | Producer |
Production | Mari Corrêa | Producer |
Crew | Vinícius Berger | Cinematography |
Sound | Vinícius Berger | Sound |
Crew | Fabio Nascimento | Cinematography |
Sound | Fabio Nascimento | Sound |
Sound | Hélio Rimaud | Sound Mixer |
Editing | Mari Corrêa | Editor |