Deep Throat, a pornographic film directed by Gerard Damiano, a film-loving hairdresser, and starring Linda Lovelace, a shy girl manipulated by a controlling husband, was released in 1972 and divided audiences, who began to talk openly about sex, desire and female pleasure; but also about violence and abuse; and about pornography, until then an almost clandestine industry, as a revolutionary cultural phenomenon.
Is Deep Throat: When Porn Makes Its Premiere on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Deep Throat: When Porn Makes Its Premiere is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Deep Throat: When Porn Makes Its Premiere becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | David Menke | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Lionel Limiñana | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Agnès Poirier | Director |
Writing | Agnès Poirier | Writer |
Editing | Barbara Bascou | Editor |
Sound | Jean-Piere Briat | Sound |
Sound | Alexander Feldman | Sound |